Saturday, January 12, 2013

January 12 - Bed Time Yoga

Weekends are busy with a 3 year old.  This weekend we went to see Monsters Inc in 3D.  She loves to see the movies on the big screen but hates wearing the glasses after the first hour.  What a mess.  Between the movie, visiting a friends precious new baby and a 3 year old who thankful loves to sleep in we didn't get too much accomplished today.  Which also left me little time for my pinterest creativity, so we have to do what we can with the time we are given.

This is a great pin.  It goes to a bunch of links to different stretches and yoga poses you can to in bed to relax and center you for a restful nights sleep.  They were fun to do, easy to do, and once you learned them and made them part of your routine they would/could flow pretty easily together making it a quick nightly ritual.  When you are just starting out it's an awkward struggle of looking at the picture reading the instructions and actually doing the poses.  Overall I did have a very peaceful sleep, and I fell asleep quickly.  I normally struggle to fall asleep and lay there thinking about all the things that need to be done the next day etc.  So for me this was a success.  There will be no pictures of my doing yoga on this blog.  Don't get your hopes up.  LOL.

Original Pin

Original Link

The two sets of stretches that I did were the 2nd and 3rd links.  Here they are directly.

Here is a picture of some of my favorites.

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