Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7th - Medicine Tracker & Crumble Topped Pot Pie

I wasn't planning to do two things today but when your little ones comes down with strep throat and inspiration hits who am I to stop it.  Little one went to the doctor today and has strep throat and amoxicillin to prove it. Sometimes it's hard for parents to communicated in the hustle and bustle that is getting ready in the morning and bed time.  When I saw this pin ages ago I loved it!  It's so simple and yet ingenious all at the same time.

 This is the original, am I have tried to do this before and ended up with charts on the refrigerator that are forgotten and you asre still left wondering if the little one had their medicine or not.  The problem is our pharmacy doesn't use Pinterest friendly bottles when packaging medication.  (How dare they!!)

So this is what I came up with. I used card stock and made a chart for the nest 10 days, dose at the top and used packaging tape to attach it to the bottle.. We can use a sharpie to "x "off the AM/PM dose.  Hopefully because it's IN YOUR FACE we will remember to check it off.

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This one was uploaded right to pinterest so I am not sure who to give credit to.

Back to the original plan for the day.  I can not stress enough how important it is to read the recipe when you find something on pinterest.  It can be very difficult to find a recipe that you have everything to make and can get done in the time allotted when looking on Pinterest.  For instance this recipe, chicken pot pie with a fun top.

Step one: put in crock pot to cook chicken for 5-6 hours.  WHAT!??  I thought it would say cube and cook checken!  Well I am glad I had time to do this today.  So into the crock pot the chicken went.  "Dice the chicken when it comes out of the crock pot."  Who can actually do that?  Mine always falls apart to shreds, so to save myself frustration I shredded it with 2 forks.

Step two: making the crumble, pretty straight forward.  I don't know what a spilpat is so I used parchment paper.  Do not try to make your sauce (step 3) when this is cooking, you will get distracted and burn the edges like I did!  This was delicious all by it's self, I'm just saying.  Almost like a Parmesan version of Red Lobsters Cheddar Bay Biscuits!  YUM!

Step 3: I think that this basically tells you how to make cream of chicken soup.  My family is not big on peas so I used a broccoli and cauliflower mix.  Its was a crazy process, almost like you need a third hand.  I think that best bet would be to measure everything out and get it ready before you start so you are ready to grab and go.  I also omitted the thyme because I am not a fan.

Anyway, here it is!
Yummy, crumbly topping.

A view of the inside.  It's not runny at all, creamy is a better way to describe it.

I would almost suggest baking it a little longer, leave the topping off and cook for 10 mins or so and then add the topping and bake for the listed amount of time.  The large chunks of broccoli were still cool and everything cooled off way too fast.  Overall I got the husband seal of approval, he says he is not a fan of "baking with Parmesan"  because it smells funny.  He also wants to eat the filling over mashed potatoes.  There was way too much left for just the two of us, so we have leftovers, I see his request becoming a reality.  Overall yummy, this could be simplified by cubing and cooking chicken instead of the cock pot mess.  Enjoy!  It was tasty!

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this pin takes you to the daily post to get right to recipe use the direct link below

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