Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4th - Terriaki Pork Loin & Drink Fail

Another fantastic recipe, Pinterest is turning me into a foodie, LOL!

A huge thank you to my mom for taking on the majority of the grunt work on this fabulous dinner!  The timing on the crock pot didn't jive with my work schedule and we would have had super over done pork if I had tried to start this before work. (Note to self - get a crock pot with a delay timer.)

There is a lot that goes into this, browning the pork, mixing the sauce, dicing peppers etc. but the outcome is phenomenal!  First let me say there is nothing like coming home to the smell of something cooking in the crock pot, it is fantastic and awful all at the same time.  Fantastic because you can't wait to eat whatever is in there and awful because you have to WAIT!

Perfect dinner, when served with mashed potatoes and green beans.  This recipe is a keeper!



Now, like I said my mom did most of the work on that one I just happened to hand her the recipe and say PLEASE HELP ME.  She's the best! :-)  So I felt like I should do something else to make sure the I accomplished my goal of one pinterest item a day.  So I decided to make this cool champagne drink that I saw.

Directions under the pin say to: fill glass with cotton candy and then pour champagne over it.  We had leftover cotton candy from Disney on Ice earlier in the week (LOVE Disney on ICE!)  and champagne that was never opened on New Years, perfect right!  EPIC FAIL!  HAHA!

This is what it's supposed to look like.  It's cool right,  like sugary bubble tea...

 Step 1 fill glass with cotton candy....

Step 2 Pour champagne over cotton candy and you champagne.

Whomp Whomp.... Oh well.  Can't have two Pinterest successes in a day that would be unfair now wouldn't it. Things I noticed while stewing the drinking my "pink champagne".  1 - there is Perrier in the back ground of their picture, 2 - I had sparking wine, whoops., 3 - this link on pinterest takes you to yeah somehow I don't think that one was meant to work out.  Maybe it would work with Perrier or a sparking water?  Who knows, but I tried and it was a fail.  These things happen.  

Now I am debating, normally when I try something on Pinterest and it doesn't work I delete the pin, heaven forbid someone should stumble upon it, try it, achieve their own epic pinterest fail,  then think gee that Erin girl is not the sharpest crayon in the box, thus rendering me a "cotton headed ninny muggins" to someone I don't even know!  (Who caught the Elf reference?  I know some of you did!)  So for the sake of sparing any of you the embarrassment of this  project I am going to remove the pin, hope I don't loose the original picture in the process...

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